Mission & Model
Why is this program so critical?
The 2015 Transgender Survey* helps highlight the chronic un- and under-employment in our community. Of 1,171 trans-identified Pennsylvania residents who participated:
31% | were living in poverty. |
23% | had been fired, denied a promotion, or not hired because of their gender identity. |
11% | were unemployed. |
16% | had been verbally harassed, physically attacked, or sexually assaulted at work. |
What are our objectives?
Help under- & unemployed transgender and gender non-binary folks obtain jobs with supportive businesses and nonprofits
Connect participants who need work readiness skills with supportive services
Help with resume preparation, interview skills, and job readiness
Promote entrepreneurship and access to networks and business building resources through the IBA
Train employers and workforce development providers to provide safe, effective, and culturally competent environments.
What's Different About Our Approach?
TransWork was the first program of its type to be housed within a chamber of commerce with direct ties to the LGBT business community.
Our program fills a critical gap that our community has needed for economic opportunity and options.
This effort is trans-led, from the IBA committee to our advisory group, with paid support staff within a stable organization.
We are designing the program to ensure that as many voices and perspectives help inform its development so the program works for as many members of our community as possible.
What are the primary program components?
Employment | Connecting trans and non-binary applicants with employers |
Entrepreneurship | Helping trans and non-binary entrepreneurs start and grow businesses |