Standardized Patient

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3400 Civic Center Blvd
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SP Program, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania

Cori Maskart
SP Specialist

Help medical students become the best providers they can be. We pay you to portray patients in live role plays, then give feedback on how students can improve communication skills and bedside manner.

Acting experience helpful but not necessary- we train you!

From our website:

"What is a Standardized Patient?
A standardized patient (SP) is a person trained to portray a patient scenario for the instruction, practice and assessment of the examining, diagnostic, and interpersonal skills of medical students, fellows, residents and other health care professionals. In the health and medical sciences, SPs are used to provide a safe and supportive environment conducive for learning and for standardized assessment. As SP can also be an actual patient who uses their own history and physical exam findings for educational purposes. Sometimes SPs are used to play the part of a medical student, resident or some other non-patient role. "

More information can be found here:!#FrequentlyAskedQuestions3

How to Apply

Visit the link below and fill out the application.

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